When doing genealogical research, you may stumble upon some words of Latin. For centuries, the church provided for marriages, baptisms and burials, and Latin has been the standard for the Roman Catholic liturgy since the 6th century.
If a Latin term ends in “us”, then it refers to a male; if it ends in an “a”,
it generally refers to a female. For example, “avus” refers to grandfather,
“avia” to grandmother, and “avi” is used to indicate plural grandparents.
“Proavus” means great grandfather and “proava” means great grandmother.
So, “meus avus est pater mātris meae” can be translated as “my grandfather is my mother's father”.
The Latin language has different words for aunts, uncles and cousins, depending on whether they are on the father’s side or the mother’s side.
An aunt, father’s sister, is “amita”, while an aunt on mother's side is “mātertera”.
A cousin - a mother's sister's child - is “cōnsōbrīna” when female, and “cōnsōbrīnus” when male.
The word for a cousin on father's side - when he's a child of father's brother - is “patruēlis”. Thus, in the table below I have focussed on general words for family members.
English | Latin |
birth | nati, natus, genitus, natales, ortus, oriundus |
christening | baptismi, baptizatus, renatus, plutus, lautus, purgatus, ablutus, lustratio |
given name | nomen |
surname | cognomen |
pasgeboren | neonatus |
child | infans, filius/filia, puer, proles |
parents | parentes, genitores |
mother | mater |
father | pater |
godparent | patrini, levantes, susceptores, compater, commater, matrina |
husband | maritus, sponsus, conjux, vir |
marriage | matrimonium, copulatio, copulati, conjuncti, intronizati, nupti, sponsati, ligati, mariti |
marriage banns | banni, proclamationes, denuntiationes |
jongegehuwden | neosponsi |
wife | uxor, marita, conjux, sponsa, mulier, femina, consors |
son | filius |
(father) of the son | (pater) filii |
(baptizavi) filium | (I baptized the) son |
death | mortuus, defunctus, obitus, denatus, decessus, peritus, mors, mortis, obiit, decessit |
burial | sepulti, sepultus, humatus, humatio |
(I buried the) father | (sepelivi) patrem |
widow | vidua |
(son) of the widow | (filius) viduae |
father | pater |
(son) of the father | (filius) patris |
he was baptized, has been baptized | baptizatus est, baptizata est |
great-great-grandmother | abavia |
great-great-grandfather, ancestor | abavus |
relationship by marriage | affinitas |
Sources: FamilySearch.org/wiki, BHIC.nl, BSKempen.be, NazatenDeVries.nl, en.wikiversity.org, Willebroek.info.